Project Summary: Our solution, “GymIn” is designed to provide gym users with a way to tell how full a gym is as well as obtain live information about what machines are being used. It’s a two-way system with an app for gym goers and a backend dashboard to access the data/statistics. Users of the app can see the occupancy as well as a layout of the gym along with which machines are currently being used in real-time. The data provided by GymIn allows gym owners to be able to spend their money more wisely and even make more money by knowing when the gym is understaffed or overstaffed.
Journey: Settling on the idea to design a system for gym users, the team got to work on customer discovery by interviewing close friends and family members who go to the gym on a regular basis. The team got to work on an initial prototype and started working on the development of the code and circuit. They developed an initial draft of the customer side of the mobile/app/web application which allows the users to see what machines are being used, as well as the part of the app that allows gym owners to check the analytical data of the machines and manage the gym. Finally, the team attached sensors in a campus gym to begin testing and collecting data.
Team Members: Alexander Hamza, Antonio Goncalves, Jack Friedman and Armani Isonguyo