Project Summary: MagniClaw is a magnetic wheelchair docking system that can be mounted to any location on a modular plate. As this plate is customizable, a user can ensure that there are enough connecting points to form a solid bond between the wheelchair and the vehicle. To make that bond MagniClaw uses both the mechanical clamp’s holding force and strong magnets pull force, ultimately allowing both quadriplegic and paraplegic users autonomy while locking into transportation mediums.
Mr. Jim Darin, an alum of Syracuse University, had approached Prof. Deyhim with a problem that he hoped an Invent@SU team could solve. At age 20, Mr. Darin endured a freak accident that rendered him a quadriplegic just three months before his third season on the SU football team
The team met with Mr. Darin to understand the problem he was trying to solve and to brainstorm solutions. After several CAD iterations, the team designed and printed a 3D model of the Magniclaw.
Team Members: Jennifer Mason, Carter Thompson, Matthew Pinto, and Davis Hood